This project topic “Simulation of a Network Monitoring System” was carried out with a view to deploying effective monitoring for computers in a local Area Network. The project developed a system that lets administrators remotely monitor computers in a network. Our aim is to show how user interface can be applied to provide a complete solution for monitoring networks. Securing and monitoring a network is an important issue since computers connected in a network can be faulty and its operation reduced ,so an effective security and monitoring measures has been deployed that allows administrators to intuitively manage the network. The system was developed using visual basic 2010 programming language. This language was used because of its easy syntax and structure for developing graphical user interface windows based application.
KEYWORDS: Simulation, Network, Computer, Visual Basic 2010, Local Area Network
Title page i
Approval Pageii
Table of content iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgment v
Abstract viii
1.1Introduction 1
1.2Background of the study1
1.3Statement of the problem2
1.4Objective of the study2
1.5Significance of the study2
1.6Scope of the study3
1.7Limitations of the study3
1.8Definition of terms3-4
2.0 Literature review5-6
2.1 Concept of network monitoring system 7-8
2.2 Topologies of network8-9
2.3 Network models 9-11
2.4 Literary features of network monitoring11
2.5 Importance of monitoring network11-12
2.6 Reason for monitoring network12
2.7 How network monitoring works12-14
2.8 Network protocol and its application 14
3.0 System analysis and design15
3.1 System analysis15
3.2 Detailed definition of the problem15
3.3 Feasibility study16
3.4 Method of data collection16
3.5 Review of procedural manual/existing system17
3.6 Data preparation17-18
3.7 Program structure18-19
3.8 System flowchart19-22
3.9 Main menu specification 23-24
3.10 Overview of the proposed system design24
4.0 System implementation25
4.1 Justification of the programming language used25
4.2 System control 25
4.3 System requirements25-26
4.4 Implementation details26-27
4.4.1 Coding27
4.4.2 System testing27-28
4.4.3 Training and re-training of staff28
4.4.4 File conversion28
4.4.5 System changeover29
4.4.6 Commissioning29
4.4.7 User manuals29
4.5 Maintenance details30-31
5.0 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation32
5.1 Summary32
5.2. Conclusion32
5.3 Recommendation32